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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

UPDATES....well Sorta

I know…I know…I suck…but hear me out. I have been a busy busy bee lately!! I won a 50 page critique by a real agent (squee!) and I’ve drafted several other novels. My mind is screaming for me to take a break and cuddle up with a good book and read, but alas…I simply cannot. As of right now, I have five novels in the works, YES FIVE. I have a complete manuscript that I’m holding onto until sometime in 2014. I’m also impatiently waiting to participate in several contests (again…squee!) As for my blog…I fully intend to at least post once or twice a week, er…um…that’s the plan.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Café au Lait Book Club!!!

The Queen’s Howl was selected by a wonderful group of people to be the book of the month. I’m super excited and extremely nervous all at the same time. I wonder how they stumbled upon my novel. I was thankful that they even considered me at all. Being noticed is a wonderful feeling and I hope they enjoy the novel.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Yay!!! Here it is!

Are you ready for Part 2? I am!!! Here is the book cover and I can't wait to publish!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

My Method

I don’t know if any of you are curious, but I’m curious to know other author’s writing processes.  Early on in my writing career I had no rhyme or reason to what I wrote, I would simply sit and write. I’ve learned now that I need to organize my thoughts a little better to help the flow of the story. Now I start with a general idea, and then I write out the characters as they appear in my mind. Once I have a good visual of the character I make a point of describing them: eye color, hair color and texture, skin tone etc… Oh yea… at some point I give a general outline of the story that I never stick to but it DOES help me to have something to go by. I have discovered a lot less roadblocks and those “what color are his eyes again” moments.

As for the writing itself, I was simply writing random things here and there. Sometimes on the computer, sometimes on a slip of paper…such as on the back of a voided check lol. I have since simplified my method by carrying a notebook around 24/7. It’s much easier for me to write in my notebook, and then transfer it to my computer. After all that is complete I print out the finished manuscript and do my first round of edits by hand and then I go back and do it electronically. It sounds more complicated than it really is lol. HAPPY READING AND HAPPY WRITING!!!!

Friday, February 1, 2013


I have been gone for quite a while!!! Whew, busy little bee is an understatement. I have been writing, and trying to organize myself better. I'm really excited about the new things going on in my writing career. I now have beta readers, editors, and someone that does excellent book covers. I just wanted to check in and post and I promise to start doing better! 

Here's the link to my author's page, check it out.